Monthly Archives: September 2014
Cincinnati Beer Run goes pink!

Thank you for coming out and supporting us at the Cincinnati Beer Run!
Friday, September 26th, was the annual Cincinnati Beer Run starting and ending at the Wiedeman German Octoberfest!
The 5K is unique as runners and walkers sample 6 different regional craft beers. Attendees dress for the occasion; this year’s theme was a glow run. All runners were given glow necklaces, glow sticks and glow bracelets to wear and accent their attire.
I Have Wings took part in full force, with 30 loyal volunteers helping at check in, the beer tasting stations, directing traffic, placing and gathering cones for runners and lots more. They may have even helped with the beer toasting later!!
There was lots of German food, music and dancing! A GREAT time was had by all! Thanks Cincinnati Beer Run for supporting I Have Wings again this year!
Wings Award Winner 2014

Rosalyn Mathie
Rosalyn is an amazing woman. Not only a wife, mother, sister, grandmother, friend, but also a caregiver, nurse, teacher and fighter. Her nursing role is in medical surgery. She cares for women recovering from breast surgery and has just been diagnosed with breast cancer herself.
She has 2 separate primaries. Her diagnosis came as a shock as she was caring for her daughter at age 32 who was also diagnosed. Ros and her daughter battled through fatigue, nausea, pain, and worry together. She never gave up, embracing each step. She partnered with local high schools sending the message to take care of your body and raising awareness. She is back to work full time teaching young nurses not only how to "be a good nurse" but to be thoughtful , caring, and an aware nurse for all patients. Everyday, Ros touches the lives of women and men offering peace of mind and strength.